Luke continues to make us laugh every single day. He's amazing and says the funniest stuff. He's also getting annoying and knows how to push every last button.
Dani is so funny and CUTE. I love 2 year olds because while they are a handful they are still so innocent and it's adorable no matter what she does...even standing on a chair butt naked saying, "Ta Da"
Zack is our little Mama's boy...he wants me 24/7. It makes it VERY hard to do anything around here. He's laughing and playing with his toes now. He LOVES to eat and grabs for anything you're trying to eat or drink if you're holding him. He loves Luke and his eyes just beem when Luke plays with him. Dani loves to give him kisses and say, "morning Zackie" she also likes shoving binkies into his mouth or trying to feed him stuff...like her fingers :o)
I have more pictures...I'll try to post later.