Friday, September 24, 2010

Holy Cow life is busy

So I realized that it's been oh about 5 months since my last post! Things have been a little busy around here since April, but then again what life isn't busy these days?

So let me see if I can even remember what on earth has might be a bumpy ride :o)

May - seriously I can't remember anything from that long ago! I don't remember when but Josh is now walking and doing Physical Therapy in the mornings. He still has quite a bit of pain, and his muscles are pretty weak in the upper thigh but he's WALKING! He mowed the yard with a push mower for the first time in 2 years a couple weekends was awesome!

June - I turned 30...ugh Josh turned 31, we both had pretty good birthdays, nothing fancy just celebrated at home.

July - visited my Dad & Step-mom, Brother Steven & his wife Danielle & Daughter Addison, and my Sister Melissa, her husband Tommy & their son Nate for 4th of July. It was so much fun. Zack had a blast "dancing" when the sparklers were lit. I also designed a lovely bikini for Brenda out of light sticks...good times...good times. I love being silly with my family.

August - Josh started Guitar lessons I was able to get for 75% off being of Groupon. He is doing a concert in 2 weeks as the 10 week semester ends. He's loving doing something he enjoys and usually never gets time to practise...I can't wait for him to be home again on Thursday evenings! I had carpel tunnel surgery on the 27th on my left wrist. I am still having some trouble with strength in that hand, but it's getting better. I have an appointment next Friday and I will ask the Dr. what physical therapy I should be doing. I am also seeing a new Reproductive Endocrinologist and a new Rhumatologist and I hope they will be more willing to look at the bigger picture of helping me be better as a whole person instead of trying to fix just the current symptoms. I got diagnosis with Lupus finally, but the Dr. said he is a little unsure because I only had 2 of the 3 areas...yada I'm trying to get my medical records from the Air Force, because he said he could use that to try to determine if the Lupus is enough to qualify for disability...wish me luck.

September - Luke & Dani are taking swimming lessons. Luke is really reserved when it comes to doing anything in the water and usually tells the instructor no. Dani on the other hand is a water baby and wants to "do it own self" and tries to push away from you even though she really doesn't know how to swim!

Zack has one tooth and one coming in...I'm glad they waited for a while because he's still nursing! He's also still sleeping in our bed...I know I'm all about attachment parenting but it will be nice when he sleeps in his own bed. The stores all started decorating for Halloween and I told Luke they were getting ready for Zack's 1st b-day :o) Awesome. I think we're going to have his party at Johnson Farms because my mom works there...but it's such a drive out for our friends but it would be fun! that was a very quick run down.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That's a lot of stuff!
    A friend of mine has Lupus, and I know the diagnosis process can be tricky - good luck with all the dr stuff. We need to come down and visit you guys some time!
